Group Activities

Small group outdoor adventures


Group Outdoor Activities

Small group outdoor adventures to provide BIPOC women access to a safe and welcoming outdoor experiences. This would include single day and multi day adventures on land and water.

Upcoming Events

  • The Outdoor Project Launch: Hike W/ WoCRW

    Date: Sunday August 22nd, 2021

    Time: 10-12:30pm

    Location: Gatineau Park

  • Outdoor Project: The Fall Hiking event

    Join Women of Color Remake Wellness and Hike Mtl for a fall hiking event. This hike centers BIWOC experiences and education. Allies welcome. Date: Saturday October 23rd

    Time: 9am

    Location: Gatineau Park (#trail 1)

    Fee: Free ($0)

  • Urban Hike: Winter Outdoor Gear Drive

    Date: Sunday December 5th, 2021

    Time: TBD

    Location: TBD

“Although the trail community is extremely welcoming—a tribe of crazies just like myself—I am always aware of being the only minority. In all my races and on all the trails I run on, I am constantly on the lookout for other black folks. As a black woman, I’ve had my share of uncomfortable experiences out on a run. As a result, I’m always vigilant every time I lace up. But I still lace up—that I do because I strongly believe that I have every right to take up space too. I have every right to show my face and presence.”

— Filsan Abdiaman